I love to read!

On this page I will keep updating you regarding books I enjoy and recommend.

Stepping out of self-deception by Rodney Smith

This is the first book on my recommending list for a good reason.

Its the best book!

Not much else to say, really… you should get it!

If you subscribe to Audible you will find it for free included in your subscription.

The Dhammapada

Is in my opinion the most important collections of suttas and if you are only to read one book to support you in your FetterWork then pick The Dhammapada!

It is available for free on audiobook here

And it is available for free as .pdf here

Being nobody, going nowhere
by Ayya Khema

Is one of those books I re-read once a year.

Ayya Khema has such a gentle and compassionate way of expressing herself.

I really enjoy that.

The book is also available on Audible.

Awake, its your turn
by Angelo Dilullo

I like Angelos book because it is very down to earth and straight forward.

Angelo is not a Buddhist so he is not using any Pali terms which makes the book useful for everyone.

He has a very extensive Youtube channel I can recommend you to follow. You will find it here

I especially enjoy his interviews because he is very clear and concise in explaining his own experience and how to apply it to your own life as your own experience.

You will find Angelos homepage here

Finding Awakening by Christiane Michelberger

Christiane was guided by Kevin (Satyadhana) Schanilec.

She is guiding through all 10 Fetters, she has her own Facebook group (here) an extensive homepage (here) and she has written this useful handbook to have by your side through all 10 Fetters.

No self, no problem
by Anam Thubten

It is a very easily read book that very concise leads the reader through the first fetter.

The book is also available on Audible.

This Being, That Becomes
by Dhivan

Without a doubt the best book about dependent co-arising.

Dhivan is clearly a scholar and yet he explains the principles so clearly.

It is a book worth reading when you end the lower Fetters and start on the higher Fetters.

You can see a short video by Dhivan where he talks about the book here

The Attention Revolution
by B. Alan Wallace

Now this might not be a book you would think I would recommend since it is working with the mind, however.. it is really good in making things clear if you are completely locked into your mind and Ego. So it is good for 1st -5th fetter.

Although as soon as you have seen through 4th and 5th fetter the book is pointless.

The book is also available on Audible.

Essence of the Heart Sutra
by H.H Dalai Lama

In my opinion this is the best version of the Heart Sutra.

H.H. Dalai Lama is so lovely in the way he uses words.

It is one of those books I enjoy to listen to over and over.

It is available for free on Audible included in your membership and since it is less than 4 hours long it becomes a very useful audiobook to listen to while cleaning, driving or falling asleep.