Inquiry Meditations

All the meditations we do are Inquiry Meditations or Reflection Meditations and might be very different than meditations you normally experience.

You are using the meditations to actively work with de-identification and a tool for awakening.


Investigating the Knower and the Known

Guided Inquiry for
“Truth Seekers”

Everything is Permitted
Nothing is True

Seeing Through
The Sense of Self

Relaxing Out of the
Illusion of Separation

The Subtle Identification with Self

Inside & Outside Inquiry

Fragments of Self

Sensations Floating in Space

7 Tools for Working with Pain

Listening & Self-Inquiry

Dissolving Everything

Who is the Meditator

Body Dissolving Meditation

Fear of Death Inquiry

The Psychological Level

The Non-Dual Level

The Awakened Level

Guided Eating Inquiry

Dissolving the Boundaries
of the Body

Exploring Trauma in the Body Meditation

Observing the Observed

6th Fetter Exploration
of Sound

A Disturbing Investigation into People’s Thoughts

Introduction to See,
Hear, Feel Practice

See, Hear, Feel Flow

Blaming Inquiry

Shaming Inquiry

Complaining Inquiry

Explaining Inquiry