Darrell & The Wheel of Identification

Todd has been working with Darrell in a private Deep Dive group,
and in these 1:1 sessions since Fall of 2023.
As always, we are so appreciative for Darrell’s bravery and selflessness
in doing this as a way to help others.

Darrell & The Wheel of Identification

Prequel: The Vague Persistence of Darrell-less Darrell

Darrell & The Wheel of Identification

Episode 1: What are Intention, Beliefs, and Addictions?

Darrell & The Wheel of Identification

Episode 2: Insecurity, Watching the Watcher, Managing the Funk.

Darrell & The Wheel of Identification

Episode 3: Accountability, Responsibility and Feelings Feeling Themselves.

Darrell & The Wheel of Identification

Episode 4: Awakening, Family Life & Clear Boundaries

Darrell & The Wheel of Identification

Episode 5: External Opinions, Re-Parenting, Emotional Understanding.

Darrell & The Wheel of Identification

Episode 6: Being the “Bad Guy”, Pros and Cons of “Fetters”, Doing for a purpose.

Darrell & The Wheel of Identification

Episode 7: Memory, Investigating the “Knower”, Getting Granular with Sensation.

Darrell & The Wheel of Identification

Episode 8: Subtle Identification, What is Attention?, Sixth Fetter Inquiry.

Darrell & The Wheel of Identification

Episode 9: Rage, Powerlessness, and Meticulous Observation of the Self.

Darrell & The Wheel of Identification

Episode 10: Pain, Feeling Unworthy, and the Power of Presence.

Darrell & The Wheel of Identification

Episode 11: Being Reactive, Existential Grief & Feeling Connected to Existance.

Darrell & The Wheel of Identification

Episode 12: Awakening Side Effects, Being the “Bad-Guy”, and integrating Inquiry.

Darrell & The Wheel of Identification

Episode 13: Emotional Infernos, Veganism/Invested Morality, Assuming I am, Free Jazz & Bluey.