Unfettered Embodiment Retreat

Happened Online 10th of June 2024 to 16th of June 2024

What is an online retreat?

The Unfettered Embodiment Retreat offers you the opportunity to dedicate a whole week towards incorporating fetterwork in your life, from the particular standpoint of embodiment. When we work with the fetters, we often get to a point of resistance, either from the body, or the felt sense, or from the mind. With awakening, we tend to focus on the mind part and the discovering of the delusion of the self. We often forget that all experiences are stored in the body, and that that too needs time and space to release each part of its connection with the delusions.

The theme of this particular retreat is:
“Unfettered Embodiment - Awakened Release & Reprogramming”. This retreat will have a strong emphasis on embodiment. We will be getting in contact with the body in ways that allow it to release pent up tension, and traumatic residue.

Consequently, we do ask that you use your discretion as to whether you are able to safely engage in this portion of the retreat.

The retreat will encompass 7 full days of material with a morning meditation, daily inquiries, sleep reprogramming, a movement program incorporating both home practices and muscle reprogramming at the gym, body release work, and daily lessons and Q&A sessions that will help you to discover the various ways you are being driven by your traumas, beliefs, and stored bodily tension, and the way that this is creating your own reality, moment to moment.

How does it work?

This retreat is a recording of the embodiment retreat we had in June 2024. The retreat was a hybrid between being pre-recorded and live. Because we are on the east coast of the US, and many people attending will be located in different time zones all over the world, we are always trying to provide as consistent of an experience for everyone as possible.

Everyone who signs up will receive access to a private YouTube playlist. The guided meditations, exercise, and other videos will all be available right away.

Each day’s Sofa Sit lessons and Q&A sessions were live and interactive with the retreat participants. We suggest that you either take time out to do the retreat on your own or just use it as a valuable and important add-on embodiment curriculum together with the Awakening Curriculum.

The playlist, and your access to it, will continue for as long as YouTube, or our channels, exist.

Retreat Program

(This is a suggestion of what a week of home retreat could look like for you.)


We recommend, if possible, that you abstain from using screens for this week. (With the obvious exception of what is needed to do the retreat!)

When you wake up, you can go to the playlist and use the morning meditation to set the attention and tone for the day.

If you are choosing to intermittent fast, this would be a good time to prepare your lemon water and tea.

You can then use the “Unfettered Embodiment -Release” video to do the gentle stretches and exercises specifically for that day, or go for a walk, or to the gym, or simply sit in silence.

Morning Sofa-Session

Each day we will dive into the embodiment of specific Fetters, and look at how sensation, thought, feeling, and emotions are all reflections of your Bubble of Reality. We don’t approach this work by delving into stories, but rather through intimate experience, and unfettered expression with whatever is arising in the body.

The daily schedule is:

Day 1 - Overview - How identification, diversions, and projections weave the tapestry of our assumed reality.

Day 2 - Fetters 1 & 2 - Recognizing, and seeing through the Identifications and projections of thought, feeling and emotions.

Day 3 - Fetters 3 & 9 - Recognizing, and seeing through the illusions of purposeful action, restlessness, and permanence. (The “busy-body” and “procrastinator.”)

Day 4 - Fetters 4 & 5 -Recognizing, and seeing through the illusions of being right or wrong, wanting, aversion, irritation, resentment, envy and boredom.

Day 5 - Fetters 6 & 7 - Recognizing, and seeing through the illusions of time, space, inside/outside, and subject/object.

Day 6 - Fetters 8 & 10 - Recognizing, and seeing through the illusion of “I am,” and the ability to know anything for certain.

Day 7 - Summary - Wrapping up, and tying it all together.


This is a break to eat your main meal, if you are choosing do intermittent fasting for the week.

Otherwise you may use it for more quiet meditation, or inquiry practice.


This will be similar to our bi-weekly Tuesday group, where participants were able to share their experience, and asked questions, either about things which were coming up during the retreat, or about the topic of the day.

Self-Care Time

This is a self-care period to move, exercise, meditate, rewatch the morning’s lesson, do inquiry practice, etc.

Whatever feels supportive, natural, and gives you a hearty “Body Yes.”

Evening Meditation

This is the time to do the evening Inquiry Meditation for that particular day.


You can feel free to sit for as long as you like in whichever other form of meditation resonates with you.

However, we are suggesting that you use this retreat in a compassionate, healthy way.

So instead of depriving yourself of sleep in order to force some big awakening to occur, we suggest you get a good night’s sleep, allow the brain and body to rest, to assimilate the information and insights from that day, and to come in fresh the next morning.

There is no forcefulness needed in this retreat.
That is only reinforcing the sense of a doer who has an agenda and a desired outcome.
All of which is reinforcing the very things you are forcing yourself to see through.


What is included?

  • This 7-Day Retreat consists of:

  • 1 Recorded Morning Meditation

  • 7 Recorded Inquiry-Meditations

  • 7 Recorded Live Sofa Sit Lessons

  • 7 Recorded Live Q&A Sessions

  • Recorded Videos for embodied release and reprogramming exercises, 18:6 fasting, detox recipes, and more.

  • Pdf material

  • Private Discord Community

How does the Retreat Detox Add-on work?

If you want to enhance your retreat experience, you can already begin to leave out all kinds of stimulants: sugar, caffeine, alcohol, junk food; make sure you hydrate, get plenty of rest and eat enough veggies and fiber.

You can see the Retreat Detox Add-On is an extension of the 3rd fetter; “Self Care for the Non-Self”.

Kindness and compassion can lead you to make small changes in your everyday life that benefit the body.

With the PDF material, you will get quick recipes for Pernille’s Immuni-Tea, green smoothie and red smoothie, Todd’s oat bread, snack beans and salad beets.

You can choose to make The Retreat Detox Add-on become the foundation for new supportive habits.

What is the price?

The full retreat is offered by donation, and the suggested donation starts at $250.

You may pay here: http://paypal.me/ToddLent.

As soon as payment is confirmed, you will receive a link to the private YouTube playlist to start watching the detox preparation videos as they are uploaded.

We are very grateful and appreciative if you wish to donate more than the minimum price.

The minimum price is set so that it is possible for the majority of people to participate.

Please note that once you have access to the material you can no longer receive a refund.

I am not past the Fetters, can I still participate?

Absolutely! We will be discussing, and working our way through, all of the Fetters from the beginning.

No matter which Fetter you seem to be working with the most, you will likely discover that aspects of multiple, if not all the Fetters are in play at different times of different days.

The Unfettered Embodiment Retreat is the embodiment add-on to the Awakening Curriculum and both useful and important for anyone on the awakening path.

Much love,

Todd & Pernille